Nicole's Notions

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thank You Kara!

Just wanted to publicly thank you on this blog here as well.
I received the box of maternity clothes, and love every single item in there!
Also, I cannot believe everything in there fits me perfectly.

Kara, from the very bottom of my heart, I thank you.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The light at then end of the tunnel

Tom starts work tomorrow! In the union! It seems every time I get excited about this, he only works for a week and then is laid off again, so lets hope and pray that this is it and he is back to work for good!

Let's hope we can finally catch up.
Let's hope we can find an apartment within our budget.
Let's hope we can pay Thomas' 1st tuition in time.
Let's hope we can pay our electric bill before it is turned off.
Let's hope we can make our car payment before it is repo'd.
Let's hope we can afford Thomas' 4th birthday party.
Let's hope we can do all this before Bailey makes her entrance.

Let's hope this is it.
Let's hope this is the sun shining through, and not a train wreck waiting to happen, again.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

He's so jealous.

Collin that is. I am no longer allowed to hug or kiss Thomas. Every time I show my oldest child any form of affection Collin immediately starts whining and gets in the way, shoving Thomas away.

Example: I was leaving for work this morning. I gave Collin a hug and kiss, then went to hug Thomas, every time I tried, Collin would hug my knees with one arm and shove Thomas with the other. When I went to kiss Thomas, Collin, still at my knees started making his kiss face and sound at me.

And the worst part of all is I really do not think he likes his brother too much. I mean they play together very well most of the time. Collin will reach to hold his hand when walking out doors or in stores. Yet, he will not under any circumstance give Thomas a hug, kiss, high-five, or anything. He just will not. He pushes him away, hits him, screams at him, ect..

What will I do when Bailey gets here? Will he be jealous of her as well?
