Nicole's Notions

Monday, February 9, 2009

With Love, Your Granddaughter

The tears flowing down, as thoughts of you continue to whirl all around.
My heart beckons for you to return to me, I just want you to see.
To see how terrible I do without your guidance. Without you I seem I'm in a trance.
I need to grow up, move on, make do. I must stop putting all the blame on you.
Two days shy of already one year. This year has been too much to bare.
Now, I will start to mend. I can't change that you are dead.
I can, though, change the way I am. It's time for me to form a plan.
A plan of action if you will. A plan to get by with my heart fulfilled.
Fulfilled with your love, for me and mine. This will get easier with patience and time.
As each day flies by, the more I will try.
To remember, to miss, to grieve, and to live.
Because you have taught me, I have so much to give.
-♥Love, Your granddaughter, Nicole♥-

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry about your loss. I lost my grandmother a year ago. I flew to Italy to say my goodbye.
Hope you can find comfort in family and loved ones

February 9, 2009 at 12:56 PM  

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